Total War pre-workout

What Are the Different Types of Protein Powders?


Protein can be availed from two major sources namely whole foods and protein powder. Availing protein from whole foods is highly beneficial as it will help you reach your other macro- as well as micronutrient goals. However, it is recommended that one must consume around 2.0 to 2.4 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight every single day. But consuming that much protein simply through whole foods is highly unlikely. Hence, it is sensible to consume protein powders. Most athletes and gym-goers also rely on pre-workouts such as Total War pre-workout to meet the needs of their bodies.


There are several different types of protein powder available. Thus, it can get a little difficult to select the right option. It is important to understand the differences in the powders and their benefits. They are as follows:

1- Whey

Whey is the most well-known and widely preferred protein powder available on the market. It is extracted from milk during the cheesemaking process and hence, it contains low levels of lactose. But it can be digested easily. Moreover, it contains BCAAs that help in the recovery of muscles post-workout. Whether you are trying to build muscles or lose weight, this would be a great addition to your diet. 


2- Soy

This protein is a great alternative for vegans or individuals who tend to be allergic to lactose. It consists of all of the nine amino acids. However, consuming this protein in moderation is advisable as it can affect the estrogen levels in the body. Since it is cholesterol-free, it also helps in regulating cholesterol levels.  


3- Pea

Vegetarians and vegans can opt for pea protein powder. Split yellow legumes are used to make this protein powder. It is a rich source of fiber along with amino acids. Individuals who are sensitive to dairy can also choose to consume this.


4- Casein

Another by-product extracted from milk is casein. But it is not like whey. While whey easily gets digested, casein takes longer to be entirely digested. A gel-like substance is formed in the stomach when it reacts with the acid present there. This reduces the rate of absorption. This is helpful for people who are trying to shed some pounds as it makes you feel fuller for a longer period. But if you are sensitive to dairy then talk to your doctor before consuming this. 



These various powders help you in reaching your fitness goals as well as meeting your macronutrient needs. Several superior powders are offered by brands such as Xtend BCAA and Dymatize. However, conduct thorough research and consult a doctor before you invest and start taking protein powder.

Total War pre-workout